The Duelist Alliance (DA) is an international entertainment duelling governing body that operates the World Duelling Federation (WDF), the number 1 pro-duelist circuit in the world. Initially founded by Maximillion Pegasus in 1998 and ran by its parent company Industrial Illusions, the Duelist Alliance began as a governing body for a group of independent duel monsters tournament circuits, the heads of which made up the Board of Directors. The group operated a territory system which sanctioned various championships, recognised one world champion, and collectively protected the different regional promotions integrity by further identifying and dividing championships by country, coast, and hemisphere. It remained the largest and most influential body in pro-duelling until the events of Duelist Kingdom. By the time Battle City (and the subsequent aftermath) had occurred, the Duelist Alliance had lost most of its prevalence in the wake of the creation of the Duel Disk to coincide with Seto Kaiba's own unnamed duelling circuit. Following the events leading up to the collapse of Doma and the 20XX Duel Tournament, KaibaCorp had complete control over all Industrial Illusions and Doma assets which included former Duelist Alliance sanctioned promotions World Championship Dueling (WCD), Extreme Championship Dueling (ECD) and many, many more... In January 2022, the Duelist Alliance merged the territories and their registered members into the all-encompassing World Duelling Federation— WDF.Unlike its predecessors, the WDF focuses on a more exhibition-style approach to duelling and emphasises a combination of worked matches and promos which eventually build up-to a shoot on TV or Pay-Per-Views (PPV). Duelists in the WDF are ranked via a modified star chip system which heavily influences their position on the card, matchups, storylines, and title shots. This is functionally more complex to the more traditional tournament structure and more closely resembles a Swiss-system tournament where each television broadcast represents a full or partial round. The reason for this change was to avoid the malaise of competitors over the course of weekend-long or day-long traditional monthly events and to cast a particular spotlight on individual competitors to better establish them as characters for the sake of merchandising and drawing crowds for a profit. Notable examples include Jack Atlas and Yuya Sakaki. Although the WDF primarily focuses on this new form of pro-duelling, they sometimes hold traditional-style tournaments as PPV events to quickly crown new champions in the event of a title becoming vacated.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec imperdiet libero. Donec suscipit mauris eget quam scelerisque placerat. Nulla et scelerisque est. Aliquam feugiat sagittis egestas. Etiam ultricies metus nec libero aliquet, at convallis enim facilisis. Pellentesque eu eleifend enim. Cras nulla justo, vestibulum posuere aliquam vehicula, ullamcorper at elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam accumsan faucibus finibus. Nulla facilisi. Quisque tempus neque a mauris dignissim, nec pharetra ligula sodales. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam non consectetur augue. Nunc non semper turpis, non rhoncus eros. Donec ut felis vel odio tristique fermentum.Pellentesque volutpat aliquam nibh in convallis. Fusce tincidunt bibendum ligula. Ut vestibulum mauris vitae nisi volutpat, quis vehicula purus commodo. Sed rutrum condimentum purus, condimentum lacinia nisl accumsan ut. Praesent ullamcorper mauris eget erat viverra facilisis vitae in odio. Aenean sit amet massa leo. Proin pulvinar magna vitae metus feugiat, nec lacinia lorem porttitor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque quis mi sapien. Sed eget faucibus metus. Nam scelerisque enim quis dignissim sodales. Nulla pretium nibh neque, sit amet ultricies augue consectetur nec. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut turpis tellus, accumsan ut erat ut, tincidunt cursus nisl. Donec at diam hendrerit, sollicitudin quam quis, ornare metus.Suspendisse scelerisque leo ipsum, in convallis massa varius nec. Vestibulum urna leo, finibus vitae mauris cursus, commodo ultrices metus. Aenean vitae volutpat eros. Duis blandit sagittis turpis, sit amet sodales metus tincidunt sed. Cras auctor malesuada eros, at eleifend eros luctus in. Integer posuere faucibus diam ac venenatis. Aenean laoreet felis sed lectus mattis, eget posuere massa pulvinar. Integer semper porttitor dictum. Nullam varius dui ipsum, vitae malesuada sem aliquam eu. Morbi ut dolor bibendum, viverra eros vel, condimentum mauris. Aliquam tristique eros at neque tristique, eu interdum tortor facilisis. Cras suscipit fringilla eros. Donec neque diam, luctus dapibus laoreet quis, tristique a nulla. In eros sem, efficitur et nisl nec, semper convallis lacus. Integer sit amet viverra nunc. Nulla facilisi.

All logos are edited and used with permission by Shogey

⠀WDF: Monday Night Nitro⠀

WDF: Monday Night Nitro, also known as WDF Nitro or simply Nitro is the WDF's flagship television program. It is a weekly show that tours all over the United States, Canada and Japan that typically features 4 exhibition-style matches for titles, top contender status, tournament qualifiers, or for glory. This program was initially produced by World Championship Dueling (WCD), and has since been rebooted by the World Dueling Federation to permanently replace WDF Superstars. Because this is a weekly event, the duels are typically shorter, and there are less of them. These smaller events are meant to build up to larger pay-per-view events, and to carry storylines between them. Because of the smaller-format nature, title matches are semi-infrequent. The hashtag for this recurring event is #WDFNitro.

⠀WDF: Thursday Night Thunder⠀

WDF: Thursday Night Thunder, also known as WDF Thunder or simply Thunder is the WDF's secondary television program. It is a weekly show that tours all over Europe that typically features 4 exhibition-style matches for titles, top contender status, tournament qualifiers, or for glory. This program was initially produced by World Championship Dueling (WCD), and has since been rebooted by the World Dueling Federation to permanently replace WDF All-Stars. Because this is a weekly event, the duels are typically shorter, and there are less of them. These smaller events are meant to build up to larger pay-per-view events, and to carry storylines between them. Because of the smaller-format nature, title matches are semi-infrequent. The hashtag for this event is #WDFThunder.

⠀WDF: Saturday Night's Main Event⠀

⠀WDF: In Your House⠀

⠀WDF: Souled Out⠀

⠀WDF: Souled Out⠀

⠀WDF: Superbrawl⠀

⠀WDF: Spring Stampede⠀

⠀WDF: Spring Stampede⠀

⠀WDF Great American Bash⠀

WDF Great American Bash, also known as WDF American Bash or simply G.A.B is a pay-per-view event that is held between June & July. The event was established sometime in the 2000s by a mid-south [Duel Monsters]() promotion that has since been rebranded as one of the WDF's yearly pay-per-view events. Unlike weekly WDF events, supercard events have 6 matches on the card and are mostly or all title matches and other various attractions. The hashtag for this event is #WDFAmerican Bash.



⠀WDF Bash at the Beach⠀

⠀WDF: Road Wild⠀

⠀WDF: Fall Brawl⠀

⠀WDF: Halloween Havoc⠀

⠀WDF: World Wars 3⠀

⠀WDF: Starrcade⠀




Duplicates are numbered based on their time of joining
♔ or ♕ following team name denotes the leader of that team

Akiko Hayashi@Psychokinetic_733785894805774336Ministry of Darkness ♕W: 4 | L: 0 | D: 0★★★★QUEEN OF GAMESWDF
Akio Koutsu@Kyaknight_1105233488586915840W: 0 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Akiza Izinski@apportations_866458207132282880W: 0 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Aliana Macaster@MegaloAccel1479073564175253506W: 1 | L: 0 | D: 0WDF
Aster Phoenix@DesuteniiHiirou852204716058714113Degeneration-XW: 0 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Autsin O'Brien@VolcanicFighter1527384231734693895W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 0UNSCOREDWDF
Ayla@DespianProphecy1490120280022335494W: 0 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
"Bandit" Keith Howards@AmericanDuelist825829966499700737W: 2 | L: 2 | D: 0WDF
Bastion Misawa@MisawaEducated758752438857924609W: 1 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Béatrice de Formerie@CroupierdeEnnui1088618494986338304W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 1WDF
Carly Nagisa@reportingduels1229216317141606411Ministry of DarknessW: 0 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Chipp Macaster@AetonixFlame976473847041069056W: 2 | L: 0 | D: 0★★WDF
Droite@CicadaCurse1502251590278856706W: 2 | L: 0 | D: 0★★INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONWDF
Galen@MechanizedHound1096072512037945345W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 0UNSCOREDWDF
Jaden Yuki@BurgeonedSlifer1465317402720313346Degeneration-XW: 3 | L: 1 | D: 0★★★WDF
Jan Willems@OneStarDuelist769687282538479616W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 0UNSCOREDWDF
Joey Wheeler@RedEyesPunk2960043361W: 0 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Jesse Anderson@ObaZaReinbo1489753810188787714W: 4 | L: 0 | D: 1★★★★KING OF GAMESWDF
Jyuri Yuuki@NextGenHero25375760W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 0UNSCOREDWDF
Katarina Claes@KATARlNACLAES1439170733784010754W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 0UNSCOREDWDF
Kishi Reeds@miracleidol_1254278422953693185W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 0UNSCOREDWDF
Mai Valentine@StormofaFeather4732026317W: 1 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Mary May@ClownsWithCards934577938984505344W: 1 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Maximillion Pegasus@EyeOfMillennium869215021162795008W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 0UNSCOREDINTERIM CEO/COMISSIONERWDF
Rinna Khara@KharaRiri1533333785336418304W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 1WDF
Sabrina Stardust@SolfaSoSabs1307511590510616578W: 1 | L: 0 | D: 0WDF
Sebastian Shiunin@FluffyNxghtmare1497981187561828354W: 0 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Seto Kaiba¹@WHITEABYSS_835852643847311360W: 0 | L: 1 | D: 1★★HIATUS/LEAVEWDF
Seto Kaiba² (♀)@QueenOfBlueEyes1189344293607137280DUPLICATE 🠉DUPLICATE 🠉DUPLICATE 🠉DUPLICATE CHARACTER 🠉🠉
Shesha@OpenZaGame871621514W: 1 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Shingo Sawatari@ABYSSALACTING919542625144852480W: 0 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Suzuki@DragonmaidIdol1459626666364440577W: 0 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
TITAN@DeadmanDuelling1459626666364440577Ministry of DarknessW: 1 | L: 0 | D: 0WDF
Yuamu Ohdo@YuuamuOhdo717167308083490817W: 0 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Yubel@NightmxrePain1102734308392009728W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 0UNSCOREDWDF
Yuga Ohdo@RoadInventor1428480840653316100W: 1 | L: 0 | D: 0WDF
Yugi Mutou (♀)@QU33NOFGAMES1490830265777799169W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 0UNSCOREDWDF
Yugo@ClearWingRider1459377192320659459W: 1 | L: 1 | D: 0WDF
Yuji Marufuji@TheAzureLegacy1388934468623245313W: 2 | L: 1 | D: 0★★UNITED STATES CHAMPIONWDF
Yuma Tsukumo@Kattobinju890773681965760516W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 0UNSCOREDWDF
Yuri@VenomousFacade880989719986921473W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 0UNSCOREDWDF
Yusei Fudo¹@SatellitesHope1239616278500909058W: 3 | L: 2 | D: 0★★WDF
Yuusuke Kagami@yumenoduelist789181768024756225W: 4 | L: 2 | D: 0★★DUEL MONSTERS WORLD CHAMPIONWDF
Xirok@SnowfallDuelist1529960551320805391W: 0 | L: 0 | D: 0UNSCOREDWDF
Zane Truesdale (Fem)@CyberDarkLegacy978625785509670912W: 3 | L: 2 | D: 0★★WDF



King of Games(Men's) Undisputed ChampionshipJesse AndersonThe King of Games or the King of Duelists is the top title within the WDF. It is a title awarded originally to winners of tournaments such as the original Duelist Kingdom or the original Battle City. This title is considered 'universal' and holds precedence over all other titles, but stands alongside its Queen counterpart. This title was originally held by Yugi Muto.
Queen of Games(Women's) Undisputed ChampionshipHayashi AkikoThe Queen of Games or Queen of Duelists is another top title within the WDF. It is the female equivalent of the 'King of Games' title and is an entirely original title created by the World Duelling Federation. This title is considered 'universal' and holds precedence over all other titles, but stands alongside its King counterpart. This title's inaugural champion was Hayashi Akiko.
Duel Monsters World ChampionWorld ChampionshipVacantThe original world title is the oldest and second-most prestigious in the professional duelling industry. This title was originally held by Seto Kaiba. Although it's the tertiary 'world' title, it's considered equal to the King & Queen of games title due to its age and historical value, as well as being able to be contested by anyone and everyone in the duelling world.
WDF ChampionJr. World ChampionshipInactiveThe WDF Championship is an additional (fourth) "grand" championship title open to be contested by anyone and everyone. It is considered near-equal to the world title, but NOT the King/Queen of Games titles. Many think of it as a "Junior" world title or a corporate championship.
WDF Tag Team ChampionsWorld Tag Team ChampionshipInactiveThe WDF Tag Team Champions title is the top tag division title in the WDF. It is the WDF Championship equivalent for the tag division.

mid-card / territory titles

Duel Monsters Intercontinental ChampionIntercontinental ChampionshipDroiteThe WDF Intercontinental Championship is a professional duelling title originally promoted by and created by the then-Japanese National Duel Monsters League as a result of the Japanese National Duel Monsters Championship being unified with an apocryphal Chinese National Championship and an apocryphal European National Championship.
Duel Monsters United States ChampionUnited States ChampionshipYuji MarufujiThe WDF United States Champion is a professional duelling title originally promoted by World Championship Duelling (WCD) and the United States King of Duelists Tournament Series (USKD). The championship was established and created in New York City on July 4th, 1999.


Gold SarcophagusVacantThe gold sarcophagus is similar to the 'Money in the Bank' briefcase from WWE. When opened/redeemed, the owner can request/claim an immediate title shot of any title they desire.

Do you want to be the next King of Games?


World Duelling Federation: Next Gen Pro-Duelling, also referred to as WDF: NXT, or simply NXT is the World Duelling Federation's own Duel Academy that is open to duelists of all ages and skill levels. It is a proving/testing ground made for both old and new duelists to try new things, learn new skills, and further refine their craft before being 'called-up' into the World Duelling Federation proper. For some, it is their primary duelling school, where they go to learn the trade and find their true characters. For others, it is an excursion. It is a destination for veterans to immerse themselves in the Next generation to reinvigorate themselves or put over new talent. Either way, one thing is certain; if the World Duelling Federation is where legends walk, NXT is where legends are born...


UNFINISHED: TL;DR: NXT's shows take place in a much more intimate environment in front of a crowd of less than 250. Although the events are smaller, duelists outside the DA/WDF can walk through that revolving door and get scouted to join the WDF proper. All NXT events are shot in the Duelling Arena at Kaiba Land, which allows for two match types: the less commonly seen Turbo Duels and Action Duels, which is a match type unique to the NXT branch of the WDF.



All information posted on this page and its sub-pages are entirely out of character (OOC). Please take notice of the new header. You are not required to read all of the rules, only the information on this page and the group rules section. If you want to participate in an event, you must read the general duelling rules and the rules particular to your match type. It is highly suggested you read the duelling etiquette page as well (although all documentation presented there is not explicitly a part of the rules). There is an extreme volume of text in the OOC sub-section to ensure we can maintain game balance and respect the canon on which we base our operations heavily. We do not suggest joining the Duelist Alliance or the WDF if you aren't interested in duelling; however, managers and other forms of non-duelling characters are still welcome, as well as people outside of the group to act as spectators.TCG-Based roleplay (especially Yu-Gi-Oh) is functionally more complex than most forms of roleplay on this platform (Twitter). All of our policies and documentation represent half a decade of thorough testing and experimentation over the course of several years spent in and out of the hobby. We ask that you respect our dedication and commitment to presenting a comprehensive, well-meaning, and professional presentation of our rules, and that we write them with the best intentions for our group and our group alone. We do not expect any other YGO-based account or group to immediately abide by our rules, though we do wholeheartedly stand by our guidelines as they have worked for over 5 years for the 50+ people who have been in and out of the Duelist Alliance since its conception. Do not mistake our detailed documentation for elitism, these are simply the rules our platform operates on.


As aforementioned, all information posted on this page and its sub-pages are entirely out of character (OOC). If you are here, you are more than likely interested in joining the Duelist Alliance/WDF, but what is the duelist alliance outside of kayfabe? The Duelist Alliance/National Duelling Alliance (NDA) (as mentioned in character) is a governing body for (Twitter) roleplay duelling competition. We specifically govern over our own group's World Dueling Federation (WDF) which mixes aspects from the original series, and the real-world National Wrestling Alliance (NWA), World Championship Wrestling (WCW), World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now World Wrestling Entertainment/WWE) and All Elite Wrestling (AEW), effectively acting as a parody or homage to the absurdity of all professional wrestling promotions combination of reality and fiction. The group initially was a simple collected chat room founded by (pen name) MitchyMan in 2016. The group is now under joint-control by Crows and (head judge) Psychosis. Although the name of the group "Duelist Alliance / World Dueling Federation" mentions duelling, writing duels is not a requirement for entry.In-character (IC) and OOC, we strive for extremely flashy, professional and overall "cool" presentations to put on the most fun reading (and writing) attractions in all of Twitter roleplay. As one would already assume, this group is Yu-Gi-Oh! based but accepts characters outside the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe (Multiverse/MV) characters (mostly OCs and human characters) sparingly. Always remember, the length or detail that you write is NEVER a factor in whether or not you can join the group, 'nor is whether or not your account has a fancy layout or looks pretty. The content of your character, both IC and OOC, is the benchmark. End of. (Disclaimer as of 09/21/2022:) Although the group is still generally open and up for applications (24/7), we are decreasing the frequency and freedom of entry due to repeat-catfishing attempts.We have been one of the first and biggest groups in the Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Community since 2016, and we hope to stay that way and grow for many more years. If you'd like to join us, see our general rules and any other necessary information via one of the buttons below. (Glossary has a list of terms with descriptions that are used both here and on the in-character (IC) pages of this site.) If you're trying to find the storyline rules for out-of-group or out-of-verse interactions, please see here.



The Duelist Alliance / World Dueling Federation's events are mainly for entertainment. These are not tournaments; these are exhibition events meant for everyone inside and outside the group, Yu-Gi-Oh RP and even Multiverse Roleplay to enjoy. Anyone is welcome to write their character coming into the arena, sitting down with others and spectating the events, giving their commentary and cheering on their favourite canon characters and original characters alike battling out in a format similar to a professional wrestling show (like AEW or WWE). For those outside of Yu-Gi-Oh verse: Unlike the often faster-paced nature of MVRP Storylines, Yu-Gi-Oh RP is usually much slower in pace due to the nature of the game (which is referred to as 'Duel Monsters' in-universe), and thus our 'fights' have time limits lasting several days (usually 4). Also, unlike typical combat, the damage duelists take in the ring is done directly to their souls to varying amounts of lethality. Think of the decks of cards as spell books and the life points they use to fight with as their very soul-essence, which empowers the magic.To those uninitiated with the DA/WDF, our carrd represents the DA/WDF as if it was a real company that puts on touring 'Duel Monsters' shows. If you'd like to join/view out OOC information, please click here.Before entering the tag, please read the following.

General Interaction Rules

  • All accounts and all verses are welcome to sit back, attend and enjoy the show.

  • Any and all events not officially announced by the WDF/DA Account (Match/Promo) that occur inside of the ring are non-canon and should be ignored the same as anyone trying to crash or grief our events tag.

  • If you are not a part of the group, we encourage you to join and spectate. Not everyone inside the Duelist Alliance will ever participate in the storyline and should populate the tag with their spectatorship or do backstage activities to add to the spectacle.

  • The Duelist Alliance is a very inclusive group with writers of different ages, backgrounds, and skill levels. We do not discriminate, so some of our members will be more adept and, therefore, skilful at writing than others. Please try your hardest to see our members who aren't as skilled as equals and give them the platform, agency and encouragement to continue and grow as writers, as we like to use our group to build people up to 'main event status.'

  • Have fun and enjoy the show



Despite our 'professional' presentation, we are a very casual group. This, however, does not mean we don't expect some level of decorum, maturity and a standard of (light) professionalism in the chat to ensure that it remains a very quiet, low-stress, high-excitement and non-toxic 'safe space' for everyone to enjoy. We have a comprehensive list of rules that are (expected) to be followed at all times to keep it this way. In brief, a good way to explain these rules can be broken down simply as; use common sense, don't be a prick, don't take yourself or each other too seriously, remember that RP isn't a job, and respect one another. Although these rules are expected to be followed and observed, we understand that not everyone will commit these (or any) of our rules to memory and are forgiving if accidental rule-breaking occurs. In the case of an unintentional rule-breaking, you will be given a verbal warning. If you have been given several verbal warnings, you will eventually be given strikes. Upon being given three strikes, you will be dismissed from the DA/WDF. In short; you shouldn't be afraid of making mistakes. We are all human, we all make them, and mistakes should not be punished.There's no test or initiation required to join the group. Read the rules, and ask a judge for entry. Make sure you have read and agree to the rules presented (of which there are a large amount). Although we encourage and present with a high amount of professionalism, don't mistake the air or attitude of the group to be one from a snobbish or 'elitist' position. This is all merely for presentation, comprehension, and ensuring that all of our metaphorical bases are covered and to generally encourage people to heighten themselves similarly. Upon succesful application, you will be drafted into the regular WDF branch or the NXT branch for people who need a little more experience in writing duels.

*The only rules that require reading to join are the GENERAL (OOC) RULES (immediately below). We have a large amount of policy/rules documentation to be as comprehensive as possible so that questions can be answered via one primary source. This page follows a combination of OOC rules and IC principles and therefore not all of the following sections/subsections are punishable rules, but guidelines and general information that will benefit everyone's experience and storytelling in the DA/WDF.


The following are all hard rules. These are rules about OOC conduct in our group chat. Because they are 'hard' rules, they are enforced more than the rest of the rules, guidelines, policies and miscellaneous documentation that is present on the rest of this page.

  1. THE GOLDEN RULE: This is roleplay. As a hobby, we are incredibly passionate and take it seriously, but not too seriously. But at the end of the day, this isn't a job; this is a hobby. If you're not having fun, take a break. Don't sacrifice your time or your sanity for the sake of the group. We do not own your soul and cannot continue to foster and create a fun and casual environment if we don't emphasise that you should not take this thing too seriously. Taking it a bit serious is fine, but taking it too seriously will kill the fun for yourself and others. This is all RP at the end of the day, don't take yourself, the group, or anything on this platform too seriously.

  2. UPDATE: As of 21/07/2022, we will NOT be allowing new accounts or accounts with empty writer tags into the DA due to repeated catfishing attempts from an individual who we shall refrain from naming. If you wish to join the Duelist Alliance, some level of establishment in the verse or in other verses to verify that you are not this person will be necessary. We apologise if this is an inconvenience to you, but we must act in the best interest of our members. People joining under false names/alternate identities after already having been removed (or otherwise being a contentious figure in the verse) will be permanently blacklisted for deceit/catfishing.

  3. Any Yu-Gi-Oh-based account is allowed inside of the group. OCs are welcome and are a significant part of our community. This group's current owner(s) are (mainly) OC writers who've been in the group since its founding and are committed to ensuring that canon/headcanon/original canon can co-exist sensibly and coherently.

  4. Writers can portray multiple characters in the DA/WDF but are allowed only to portray 1 major character (lead protagonist, main rival, major/arc/series villain) and a maximum of 2 minor characters or "stooge" villains at a time. Members joining before the 2022 season have an extremely light amount of leniency to the rule.

  5. If the writer of one character is absent and needs to be substituted, another writer of the same character (whose portrayal/account of is not in the DA/WDF) can fill their role, ignoring the previous rule. This rule does NOT apply to characters that have been dropped or writers that have been retired/released/removed from the group.

  6. You are not obligated to put #DuelistAlliance anywhere on your account, although repping the group is very much appreciated. For all things involving the DA/WDF events, please use whatever event is currently running's hashtag. Posts meant to take place inside of the WDF/DA such as meetings or similar should just use #DuelistAlliance. Keep in mind that some accounts with #DuelistAlliance in their bio might not be current members (or might have never been members). Please see our dedicated roster page for an up-to-date list of accounts that are actually a part of the Duelist Alliance.

  7. You are not forced to interact in storylines, but if you want to get booked in matches or placed higher on the card, do your peers a favour and react to their matches in character the way a character would in the show. Play the part of the audience when you're not booked, and show everyone the same amount of attention we encourage them to give to you.

  8. While in the group chat, please remain respectful and courteous of others at all times. Hold other members accountable for unnecessary wrongdoing, toxicity, or acts of bad faith. Be mature, civil and self-aware. Do not talk ill of anyone inside of the chat, whether they're a member of the group or not. You will NOT bully anyone.

  9. Keep the chat R-16; swearing is allowed, but please do not use it excessively. Engaging in sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, intersexphobic, ableist or hateful conversation is disallowed. Politics are a banned topic in the chat.

  10. Accounts with a specific (lewd) NSFW focus are not allowed. This is not an 18+ group. Accounts presenting stereotypical, harmful, or derogatory representations of a minority or marginalised groups are not allowed. We will bar you from entering the DA or remove you if you follow accounts that fall under the prior rule or lewd accounts of underage (or lolisho) characters. 'Aged up' is not and never will be taken as an excuse.

  11. Nobody will ever force you to write something you are not comfortable with. Full stop. Furthermore, participation is heavily pushed, but not forced.

  12. Make sure to follow Twitter's terms of service at all times.

  13. And one last thing to note, the administration of the duelist alliance and the duelist alliance itself is nothing without the people within it. The administration serves the members just as the group should run in favour of everyone's collective interest. You, as a member, have the power to voice your opinions on how the group is run and our documentation freely and without fear of being punished. But remember our primary intention of being an anime-based roleplay group and one that is all-inclusive and non-discriminatory at that, and that rules pertaining to this goal are set in stone because they are what the group is founded on.

Tone & Direction

Tone & direction corresponds to the general tone of our storylines and the writing within them. Although we are heavily divergent from the actual canon of the series due to the nature of including characters from all YGO series, we prefer to stick closely to the modern tone of the series to ensure that things remain relatively safe but not entirely sterile/squeaky clean. In a word, we prefer to keep things PG-13. These rules will help gauge what is "ok" in a WDF ring and what is not and how to better direct your character to match what we do. Let a Judge know if you want to do something you feel breaks these guidelines. We don't like to restrict creative freedom and will give the (thumbs) up or down on some things.

  • The overall tone is supposed to closely match the modern series and border PG-13.

  • Avoid absurd levels of edge, 'grimdark' or otherwise needlessly nihilistic or 'hopeless' scenarios with no foreseeable "good" end.

  • There is to be no mention of or written rape or sexual abuse scenarios. No exceptions.

  • There is to be no mention of or written racial/sex/gender-based discrimination scenarios. No exceptions.

  • Moderate amounts of blood (if/when it makes sense, which is very rare) are allowed. More intense levels of gore are strictly banned. If you are going to use blood at all in your threads, make it make sense.

  • "Killling" via traditional means is strictly barred. You can use the term "kill," however, the character killed in this manner must be able to return from the dead at a later point. "Killing off" a character should be saved for characters writers want to take a break from (but later return to). Examples of this include stealing souls, or inflicting enough damage to their soul to make them comatose. The primary form of harm done to players in the series is soul-based damage, bodily harm inflicted by duel monsters is incredibly rare.

  • Swearing is fine, but keep it "TV Appropriate," all swearing in some way shape or form is fine so long as it is used sparingly, and not in an obscene or otherwise (wholly) tasteless manner.

  • You are allowed to insult or "shit talk" in character as much as you want. So long as the mean-spirited words are indeed in character and are not indicative of how you feel about the writer portraying them, any and all forms of insult are completely fine. Remember, this is all fiction at the end of the day. If you are on the receiving end of the insults, remember that you are not your writing, and that the insults only go towards the character you portray.

Immersion, Kayfabe & Headcannons

Immersion & Kayfabe: These guidelines take tension off of explaining certain things in the story to maintain immersion. Similarly, there are rigid rules to explain how you should interact to keep in with the anime's style and tone and to generally preserve immersion so that the writing stays consistent with the tone/direction outlined above. This list is generally accepted as a 'universal list of headcannons.'

  • All characters from all Yu-Gi-Oh! Timelines, including non-canon spinoffs (such as OCG Structures) and OC timelines (such as Yu-Gi-Oh! 2050) have all reached their canonical ends. Despite how paradoxical and impossible this would be, the WDF is a 'nexus point' in time-space where everything has happened, and nothing has happened. Anyone can come and go, and there is a next-to-no limit on who can or cannot appear in a WDF ring. The only exceptions to this are characters who exist in the ancient past, such as Atem or the Supreme King cannot appear because of how long ago they died, and the fact their canon-day incarnations exist. This, however, does not mean a character like Jaden can't take on the appearance and mannerisms of his ancestor for a heel turn. This 'nexus point' is not to be explained or questioned. Take it at face value. It's the multiverse!

  • Multiple versions/accounts of the same character should not appear in a WDF storyline the same as someone who is in a WDF storyline shouldn't engage in more than one thread or interaction at a time to avoid 'impossible travel' (or being in 2 places at once).

  • Vrains Avatars play by two significant rules.

  • Rule number 1 Vrains avatars can be represented via elaborate cosplays, wigs and makeup OR via hologram. If via hologram, the user's duel disk will shroud their appearance in the ring, or a hologram of their avatar will be projected into the arena regardless of their actual location. The WDF likes to present Vrains avatars similarly to luchadores, whose wrestling style is much faster and highflying than regular wrestlers, similar to how link monsters are much 'faster' and combo-heavy than most other decks in Yu-Gi-Oh! Furthermore, VRAINS characters can wager their avatar or 'mask' to reveal their true identity, similar to how a luchador would wager their mask.

  • Rule Number 2 Although link monsters can exist outside of VRAINS, we ask that characters who are not specifically VRAINS focused to not use link monsters unless they belong to an archetype, such as Qliphort Genius. VRAINS is the least represented series in verse, and we want to ensure that their gimmick remains (mostly) unique to them to better help them stand out against the roster of (mostly) Arc-V characters and original characters.

  • The WDF ring is a 15x15 meter square metal platform (or about 50 feet by 50 feet) that rises 40 centimetres off the ground. Behind the direct centre of each player's 3rd monster zone (exact centre) of the field on both sides is a small set of 3-stepped stairs, and each corner of the arena is fitted with hologram projectors that face the inside of the field, and speakers that face the outside that allow the stadium to hear anything more than a whisper inside of it.

  • Because of the size of the ring, your opponent's cards should be unreadable from the distance between you. It is encouraged that duelists should ask their opponents what their cards do, or to explain their cards as they go (on top of describing their effects and monsters 'coming to life') to add to the theatrics and pad out their replies.

  • How do players take "real" damage? There are 2 explanations, the first of which is simply hard light. The second of which (and much more in-line with the series pre-Arc-V) is that players are reacting to the energies and spirits that are bound to the cards. In some cases, its explained that these energies create minor sensations, or give serious injuries depending on the opponent's strength or in the case of a shadow game. In any case, it's entirely possible for someone to be incapacitated by a duel monster under the anime/manga's logic. In most instances, however, any damages/major blows sustained will simply knock you off your feet and lead to a minor bump. Henceforth why we emphasise selling in duels, and punish no-selling. In some instances, players souls are being damaged directly which causes physical reactions.

Headcanons structure the lore the DA/WDF follows (in character). Generally, headcanons range from well-constructed and well-reasoned fan theories to explaining miraculous or surprise occurrences in the series, connecting plot lines, character relationships, and family lineage. Because of their sceptical, theory-based, and oftentimes nonsensical, subjective or projection-based nature, we have only a short few, simple rules to follow in regard to headcanons.

  • Headcanons are allowed, BUT DO NOTE:

  • Headcanons are not canon. Do not portray them otherwise.

  • Do not force headcanons onto others.

  • You are not under any obligation to respect other people's headcanons.

  • Headcanons should be agreed upon with whoever you are working with.

  • You may criticise someone's headcanons, but you are not allowed to bash, decry, or defame someone for having them regardless of any dialogue you might have exchanged, but do not criticise someone's headcanons unless you can also take criticism in any form.

Booking / Title Shot / Engagement

You've joined the Duelist Alliance, but now you want to join a World Duelling Federation event and finally have your character become a 'professional duelist.' Where do you start? How do you get 'booked' on the event? How do you engage? And when do you get a title shot?

  • Getting booked into an event is as simple as saying 'I want to do this with this person.' We don't want you to put your hand up and wait to be called on. You are an agent to your characters, you manage your stories. Find someone you want to write with, pitch your ideas to them, and say "I want to do this kind of story/match with this/these person/peoples." If we have an available slot, you will be filled. There are 2 kinds of booking:

  • Duel booking: Duel booking is the easiest form of booking. You ask for a match you want, we will work with you to make it. If you are debuting a character, opening with a simple match with no real story attached it an excellent way to start. If you don't know the kinds of matches we hold, please consult the match types section of the duelling rules page. Once you have an idea on what type of match you want to do and your selected opponent, shoot us a message.

  • Promo Booking: This is a form of booking best saved for after you've had a debut match. Promos are times in the storyline where we put you on a pedestal and stay silent while you (or other characters) talk to further a plot. Promos can advertise yourself (your character), a team, stable, an upcoming duel of yours, further a feud or rivalry, or can outright call out the people that run the show in-character. A promo is your time to shine solo, or with a friend(s) to play out the drama that is 'pro duelling.'

  • The last but most important booking rule. You tell us what you want. We will not always be there to craft your stories and the narrative you follow, we'd rather you come up with your stories, and the way you want to take things.

  • Duels in the WDF are either called on the fly, have scripted ends but unscripted beginnings, or are scripted entirely. Whether or not your duel is scripted (move for move, or just "who wins/goes over") is (mostly) up to you. Most duels, however, are unscripted entirely.

  • Please note: we reserve the right to decline your application to be booked in a storyline if you have had too many duels in succession. We want to give everyone a shot and don't want people hogging too much of the limelight. If you aren't reacting to current matches, or interacting in our SLs tag regularly; you will not be given a spot on the card.

Title shots are when you/your character get a chance to engage in a single or series-of matches defending or attacking to retain or gain a highly coveted championship title. Title shots are not given upon request, and getting a title is never guaranteed. Getting a title shot or a scripted work for a title is something only given to those who put in the most work to present their artistry as a writer and show the most passion for the portrayal of their characters both (mostly) for themselves, and the entertainment of their peers.

  • Not having a title or losing a title is just as meaningless as having one. The importance of a championship title is entirely up to you. They are merely an in-character plot device and shouldn't be taken as seriously OOC as they may. This does not mean you as a writer can't take pride in knowing you have written a character worthy of a prize, however.

  • Your writing ability does not have a massive effect on whether or not you will get a title shot, it's all about how you duel and how you act in and our of character.

  • Title shots are NEVER given on request.

  • If you leave the DA at any point, your title will be stripped from you and vacated/given to another character.

  • (In-Character) Titles can only be defended during WDF events.

  • If your character has a title, not all duels they engage in are title matches.

  • Getting title shots, titles, or even booked in matches to begin with is heavily contingent on whether or not you co-operate with your peers and how much you interact and react inside of the event/group's tag. Give your fellow writer an audience, they will do the same for you.

Engagement structures all of our storylines. Doing so will net you more engagement, more eyes on your tweets, and encourage more recognition amongst all of us which could lead to increased privilege or even title shots. We generally run on the concept of "get what you put in." . Be courteous to your fellow writers by attempting to follow some of the guidelines below.

  • Make posts within the tag often, having your character cheer on others and generally making the events feel occupied to respect your fellow writers and the people in the background who organise it will net you more respect from others and encourage them to engage more as well.

  • Nobody likes tryhards. If you're in a non-scripted match, don't steamroll your opponent (squash), wrongfully no-sell or otherwise tryhard or screw them. Tryharding or screwing others will not go unrecognised and will result in having less opportunities than others.

  • Append the beginning or end of all of your replies/tweets/tweet-strings in an event with the event's tag, failure to do so might get your post ignored at best, or get you OOC-DQ'd at worst.

Entrance Themes

Much like a wrestling promotion, our duelists have dedicated theme songs that come in the form of unique videos with a simple music visualiser attached. These have their own rules/guidelines to ensure they match our other outlined tone & direction. An example of a "WDF Entrance Card" is below.

  • Themes are first come, first serve.

  • All entrance themes must be PG/Bordering PG-13 (non-PG/PG-13 songs can be used if using an instrumental ONLY).

  • Entrance themes cannot use the name of another character (or person) in their lyrics UNLESS using ONLY the instrumental.

  • Entrance themes will be created when you enter an event (you will not get one JUST by joining).

  • Canon characters will use pre-rendered themes or a selection from their first portrayer's choice.

  • Original Characters (OCs) can request any song of their choosing, so long as it hasn't been used or conflicts with another prior rule.

  • Variants, remixes, covers, mashups or edits of a song are considered the same as the original song.

  • Characters with multiple forms can have multiple themes equal to the number of forms.

  • If your theme has a particular cover, remix or similar, you can also use/have those alternate takes.

  • If you cannot think of a theme for your OC, do not worry. We have no issue waiting on you to make a choice. If you cannot think of a theme, we will post your render as a PNG and give you a video once you've come up with a song.

  • If a song cannot be cut to size, we will alert you that another choice needs to be made.

  • After a reasonable amount of time, you may request a new theme to better fit how your character/writing has evolved.

Penalties / Disciplinary Actions

In the Duelist Alliance we are extremely forgiving and tolerant of mistakes. Generally speaking, we dislike using authority or giving warnings and are generally passive in moderation, however, when rules are broken they must be punished to some degree. We run on a hard '3 strike' system.

  • Breaking rules that refer to duelling will never result in 'real' punishment. Breaking duelling rules continually (with or without intention) will result in an 'OOC-Disqualification' in which we announce your disqualification and that ongoing interaction/roleplay should be done as if the non-disqualifying party has won via life-drop. If both players are disqualified, the duel will be thrown out entirely, or left up to a coin toss if a top-contender match was occurring. Title matches with a massive policy failure from either side will always result in the title holder winning due to title rules.

  • Although unwritten in the rules, we can and will punish people for unsporstmanly, disrespectful, or behaviours that upset enough people with good reason that goes against our ethics as a group. Or in other words act against people that don't contribute to the group in a way that is positive, or conductive to good interactions with your fellow writer. In-short; don't be a prick, a wannabe-politician, or otherwise a spoilsport.

  • Furthermore, failure to uphold the duelling rules and maintaining some level of etiquette can result in you being skipped or suspended from being booked in matches or promos. Co-operate, work together, don't let your ego fuel your writing. Godmodding and general poor sportsmanship can result in immediate removal from the group.

  • Although we run on a 3 strike system and are tolerant of mistakes, this does not mean rule breaking goes unnoticed. Any form of rule breaking greatly affects your privileges in the group and what you may get as time goes on.

  • First Strike is private, discreet, classy, and never aggressive. If you are receiving a penalty for a rules violation, you will get contacted privately in a non-aggressive but firm manner with care taken to not disturb, upset or kill your mood/enthusiasm. In other words, a slap on the wrist.

  • Second strike will be more firmly worded warning.

  • Third strike will result in you being removed from the group chat. Your removal will not be announced, or explained to the rest of the group. You will not be negatively discussed and you will not be at risk of harassment. If you spread lies or speak poorly on us, we have the right to expose the truth of the situation in-full and retaliate accordingly.

  • Be responsible for yourself and your own actions at all time.



In the Duelist Alliance, our primary goal is to create engaging reading and writing experiences by hosting and engaging in storylines that feature duels that mimic the anime as close as possible. Because of this, we have a large array of general duelling rules, and fun/inventive match types that the anime often creates, such as turbo duels and Action Duels. It should be stated that the anime's way of play is much slower, and thus 'fast playing' like in a real-life scenario and conjuring several extra deck monsters in a row/playing the 'defend the castle' style of the real-life game is incredibly discouraged and frowned upon. The anime's writing philosophies behind deck building and card usage generally stray away from using the most popular cards and broadly applicable cards, and instead focuses on using unique or odd "1 of" cards to create engaging, curious and generally distinct duels that lack the cookie-cutter or repetitive nature the real-life card game has in its combos and card interactions. This is meant to promote an environment where each duel can feature a unique selection of cards alongside the typical monster lineup and ensure that any match (including rematches) is always unique.The non-rules duelling etiquette page has more guidelines and information to better define and elaborate on the anime's style of duelling. Furthermore, the glossary contains some terms that might help you further understand what it means to write in an 'anime-style.' Please note that the DA and the WDF is an anime-based roleplay. Real-life logic shouldn't apply in this fictional setting, and only the fundamentals of the real-life TCG should apply. If you're not interested in abiding by the rules/stipulations/conventions and tropes of the anime, don't bother joining.


  • Clearly mark all phases as they occur on their own lines in your tweets.

  • Clearly mark when the number of cards in your hand or your life points change.

  • Players must always adhere to the current master rules (Master Rule 4 2020/2021 revision as of writing this).

  • All duels are played at 4000 life points by default. Match types that require more or less will be marked in the match types section below.

  • Players do NOT draw on the first turn of the duel.

  • Players must adhere to the current TCG Forbidden & Limited List's "traditional" format.

  • We do not care about decklists. Using "copies" refers only to how many copies your character can use in a thread. This does not mean you can't recycle or reuse the same copy of a singular card.

  • EFFECTIVE 01/02/2023: Archetypes presented as unique in canon (Archetypes that are only used by 1 person in the entire franchise, or are otherwise stated to be "one of a kind" in canon) can only be used by their canon user. Singular cards that are explicitly stated, implied, or presented as unique are only allowed to be used by their canon users. 'Sacred Cards' such as the Egyptian Gods and the Sacred Beasts are banned from general use and can only be used under very specific and circumstantial privilege due to them being 'lost' in canon.

  • Only canon muses are allowed to use number cards, furthermore, they can only use numbers that are owned by them or thematically-fitting with their archetype.

  • Players are only allowed to have 1 copy of any monster with 2 or more effects. Effects tied to abilities do not apply to this rule.

  • Players are only allowed to have 2 copies of any monster that contains a singular effect that names another copy (or copies) of itself, such as Destiny HERO Malicious. Monsters that specifically state a quantity of monsters such as Thunder Dragon or Ra's Disciple can be played at 2 or 3.

  • Cards that have any (quick) effects that can activate from the hand in response to an opponent's play are always limited to 1 copy.

  • All spells/traps are limited to 1 copies except in instances where 3 copies are necessary to fulfill a cost or win-condition, such as Jackpot 7.

  • All "Fusion" and "Polymerization" cards are limited to 2 copies (except the original Polymerization which can be played at 3). Cards that would allow you to Fusion Summon using materials directly from the deck is limited to 1 copies by default. The 'ascendant' Polymerization series (Super, Ultra) is limited to 1 copies and are ONLY to be used by Yuri and Jaden. Assault Mode Activate can be played at a maximum 3.

  • Ritual Spell Cards that contain only 1 effect can be played at a maximum 3 copies

  • Ritual Spell Cards that contain 2 effects are only allowed to be played in 2 copies.

  • Ritual Spell Cards that contain 3 or more effects are only allowed to be played at 1 copy.

  • Characters whose decks (canonically) would break a limitation rule are exempt, such as Blue Angel playing 3 copies of Trickstar Reincarnation.

  • Additionally, archetypes that cannot function without 3 copies of a specifically named card (either for a summoning material(s) or effect text) are allowed to play up to 3 copies of that named card. EX: Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

  • Anime/Manga cards ARE allowed, but you must use the real-life versions of the cards if they exist. A list of cards exempt from this rule can be found here

  • Although custom cards are allowed, custom mechanics must have thorough documentation, or, simplistic enough to not make a major impact on how pre-existing cards interact with them. A common custom mechanic in the WDF is Dual-Attribute. Please consult an administrator before applying to use a custom mechanic.

  • All custom cards will be subject to some level of grading. Users who have received explicit permission from an administrator after a set period of time will not have to submit their customs for grading due to trust. Our grading process is fairly relaxed, do not be afraid to show us your stuff!

  • All customs must be made by the user submitting them for grading; furthermore, exceptionally low-balance, low quality PSCT, and low visual quality cards (cards that are not easily legible) will automatically be rejected.

  • Canon characters do not need customs. Unless necessary to the story, canon characters do not need to have any number of customs. This does not mean they can't have customs; it is just discouraged for them to have them.

  • You cannot use monsters and cards from other specifically named archetypes except for your 'primary' archetype. Using generic cards, however, is still (and always) allowed. Example: If you're playing D/D/D, you cannot use Dante Traveller of the Burning Abyss, but you could use Grenosaurus. Sister/accompanying archetypes, such as Junk & Synchron, Odd-Eyes & Performapal or Resonators & (Red Dragon) Archfiend, can be used together. Please refer to a judge if this rule confuses you. Archetypes that synergise with each other do NOT immediately qualify them to be exempt from this rule.

  • Cards that lockout or "floodgate" (either continuously while they are on the field or for an entire turn) such as True King of All Calamities, Imperial Order or Anti-Spell Fragrance (since it prevents the activation of Pendulum Scales) are banned. Cards such as Necrovalley are allowed sparingly due to it being a part of a "series" used by a major anime character. Cards that only apply for a single phase are also fine for very infrequent use but should not be abused. "Permanent" cards (Continous Spells/Traps, Field Spells, and Monsters) that skip phases either as an activated or passive action are banned.

  • FTK (first turn kill) and OTK (one turn kill) strategies are disallowed UNLESS agreed to by both parties for a plot or storyline. (Or match type that allows it)

  • Infinite loops or semi-infinite loops that occur in the same turn are banned.

  • Heavily limit hand trap usage. "Hand traps" that are a part of archetypes like Elemental HERO Honest Neos are included in this rule. Use no more than 1 in a thread, or no more than 2 (depending on the length). Preferably, use none whatsoever.

  • Custom types and attributes are barred from general play in the DA/WDF. Specific 1-off types & attributes that are tied to "story cards" (1-off/singles that are used solely for the sake of a plot/storyline) are allowed so long as both parties have written consent for it to be used.

  • Generic board-wipe cards such as Raigeki are disallowed in the early game, and cannot be used to open your opponent up to game-ending combos (or, in other words, it should not be your win condition).

  • Having the perfect counter for everything your opponent does and never taking any bumps and losses will result in your duel being thrown out and marked with a loss for yourself (see: godmodding). Furthermore, no-selling, and gross failure to meet some standard of quality or etiquette can result in you being suspended from events.

  • (For Shoot duels only) Cards that require dice rolls or coin flips should use an app or generic tool to provide randomised outputs. Other generic/randomised events, such as the cards you draw in your opening hand or similar, are not required to be randomised and are discouraged from doing so in any duelling style.


Just like in a professional wrestling promotion, players can interrupt or intrude on matches, either to help defend a specific player or to steal the entire match themselves. In most instances, this results in a DQ (disqualification) finish, some exceptions apply. Any player who enters a match that is already ongoing is subject to these penalties. These are called "intrusion penalties" in the Arc-V anime.

  • Players can ONLY interrupt a duel during the End Phase.

  • If a player interrupts a duel, their turn should begin immediately.

  • If a player joins an ongoing duel, their starting LP is halved.

  • Players may enter tag-team duels, battle royales, or similar as a single party or with another player(s).

  • If a player(s) enters a non-team duel, they should be slot 'between' any established turn order (from when they interrupt).

  • At the end of a completed duel: Another player can run-in and continue the duel via an 'intrusive extension.' Any remaining players in the match will begin with the same number of life points they finished the prior duel with. Players who run in at the end of a duel will still have their starting life points halved.

  • As always, any clarifications should be given by a Judge.


These rules are in place to ensure matches and storylines end quickly and efficiently (but not at the cost of writing/plot quality), additionally to also ensure people don't see a storyline tag on their timeline for a ludicrous amount of time.

  • All matches will have a time limit applied to them before the match(es) begin according to a pre-game "meeting" between staff and the player(s) involved to be as flexible as possible. Time limits are measured in days. All promos have a "same day" time limit as they should be pre-planned/scripted or done in the form of a solo.

  • Regular Storylines: 3 days time limit + 12 hours overtime.

  • "PPV" Storylines: 3 days + 12 hours overtime.

  • "Supercard" Storylines: 3 days + 1 days MAXIMUM overtime.

  • Should duelists go into overtime during, the player who is booked/worked to win the match for the sake of the storyline should end the duel during the current turn (if it's their turn) or on the following turn.

  • If duelists go into overtime in a shoot/improvised duel, the winner should be decided amongst the competitors so that a positive and constructive outcome can be achieved.

  • If no reply has been made in 24 hours, the duelist whose turn it was to reply will be disqualified with no other penalties. The roleplay will resume as if they were eliminated/defeated as normal.




A singles match is the standard way of playing the game. Unlike the real-life trading card game, there are several adopted anime rules. This is the default match type of the WDF.

  • Players both start with 4000 life points.

  • Monsters can be normal summoned in a face-up attack or defence position.

  • A face-up monster in the spell/trap zone is still treated as a monster on top of whatever their effect text states them to be. This does not mean they can activate their effects (unless otherwise stated in card text, such as Vision HERO Increase) or attack. Also, they cannot be used for a tribute/ritual summon or used Fusion, Synchro, XYZ and Link material (unless otherwise stated in card text). They can, however, be used to resolve effects that require monsters on the field and are affected by cards such as Dark Hole.


First strike is a game of duel monsters involving 2 players that has an alternative win condition; the first player to successfully attack directly, and deal damage wins.

  • Both players' life points are infinite.

  • Cards that would cost life points, damage life points, or increase or set them do not change the value of your life points, but can still be successfully activated and resolved.

  • Effects that would let a monster(s) attack directly are negated.

  • Piercing battle damage is always 0.

  • The first player to successfully attack directly wins the game.

Iron Man

Iron Man is a game of Duel Monsters involving 2 players that continues even after a player's life points hit 0. Rather than the game-ending, the game has a pseudo-restart. Whatever player reduces their opponent's life points to 0 the most time in the allotted time wins the match.

  • Each players starting life is 2000

  • When a players life points hit zero, their opponent gains a point

  • When a players life points hit zero, that player does the following steps

  • That player gains 2000 life points

  • That players turn begins (regardless of what the current phase it)

  • That player will draw 1 card for their normal draw, but, if their hand is below 5 cards; they can draw any number of cards, so long as they don't exceed 5 cards in hand total. (If you are knocked out with 5 cards in hand, you will only draw 1 card)

  • OTK/FTK strategies are allowed in this match-type by default

  • At the end of the time limit, the player with the most amount of "points" or "knockouts" wins

  • If one player cannot draw cards, both players shuffle all cards in the hand, field, GY and banished zones into the deck, and then draw 5 cards.

  • This is a very high-energy high-spectacle match type. Do not hold back

Battle Royale

A Battle Royale (バトル・ロイヤル, Batoru Roiyaru) is a game of Duel Monsters involving more than 2 sides. A Battle Royale typically refers to a duel with 4 sides. A duel with 3 sides is referred to as a Triple Threat Duel (トリプルスレッヂュエル Toripuru Suretto Dyueru) (Also known as a "1v1v1" or "Fatal 3-Way Duel").

  • Each player is each other player's opponent

  • Each player's starting life point total is 2000 (or 3000 in a 3-way Battle Royale)

  • Players may help or attack other players

  • Players may cooperate against other players

  • No player may attack their first turn

  • No player may draw on their first turn either

  • Monsters cannot attack directly


A relay/wargames match is a match that combines team/tag duels, singles matches, and Battle Mania all into one hectic war-like match.

  • Wargames Duels consist of 2 teams of 3-5 players

  • The game begins when each team selects one of their members to be in active play

  • There are no shared fields, graves, or resources

  • Players begin with 4000 life points

  • When a players life points reach 0, they are 'knocked out,' another member must be chosen to enter. The field is cleared, a new member walks in

  • The duel may resume, or the other team may choose to swap out their own duelist

  • If a duelist swaps out, they keep their current life point total (EX: Duelist of Team 1 (A) defeats Duelist of Team 2 (A) with 1500 LP remaining. They can leave the duel, but if they re-enter at a later time, they have 1500 LP)

  • When a player's life points reach zero, the End Phase of the current turn immediately occurs

  • No player may draw on their first turn

  • Cards and effects that would directly affect a player's life points like Hinotama or Red Medicine may be applied to any player of any team

  • Cards and effects that would directly affect a player's life points as the result of a battle, negation, or similar (such as Elemental HERO Flame Wingman) can ONLY apply to the current (active) players

  • Duels continue until one team's life points reach zero entirely

  • If a draw would occur, the current matchup is reset. All cards on the field, in the hand, or that are banished are sent to the grave. Both players draw 5 new cards, and the game begins from turn 1. Both players will have 2000 life points ONLY for this bout

Pegasus Challenge

The Pegasus Challenge (or Pegasus rules) is a special match-type held most notably at WDF Duelist Kingdom. This is a singles/1-on-1 match type.

  • You are jesters to Pegasus' court, you are his entertainment

  • Every so often, Pegasus will shout out a special rule

  • A list of the rules he might declare can be found here

  • Regardless of the time or phase, players must immediately abide by the rule declared

  • It does not matter how absurd the request is, so long as the rule is not 1-sided or biased.

  • If a player refuses or fails to do as he says, they are immediately disqualified

  • The player that wins will immediately be challenged by Pegasus, should that player win, they will get to challenge any champion for a match at Starrcade.



  • Before the duel begins, both players (OOC) will go to the pack opening simulator and open 10 packs of ANY battle pack set. Both duelists may pick any battle pack of their choosing in any quantity. If a duelist draws from War of the Giants, they cannot use a god card if pulled.

  • Both duelists will assemble a list of 20 cards from their pool that does NOT conflict with the general duelling rules. Both duelists pools will be completely anonymous to each other and will only be shared with the judge agenting their duel.

  • Both players starting life points are 2000.

  • Cards such as Reinforcement of the Army or any card that specifies a type(s) or attribute(s) specify ALL attributes. EX: Activating Reinforcement of the Army will allow you to add ANY level 4 or lower monster from your deck to your hand.

  • Monsters can be Normal Summoned in face-up attack or defense position

  • Monsters can be flipped in face-up attack or defense position.

  • No tributes are required for tribute summoning.

  • You can only activate 1 Monster effect per turn.

  • You can only activate 1 Spell/Trap card per turn.

  • You can only set 1 Spell/Trap per turn.

shadow game / penalty / submission / vitality game

Although all duels in the WDF do some level of damage to the duelists body through soul-manipulation, these rules can add a heightened level of stakes/threat to the match and add another layer of improvisation and randomisation to a duel that can drastically alter a desired outcome and lead to extremely shocking, weird, or crazy results. These rules can be tacked on to ANY match type whenever a duelist who can initiate a shadow/penalty/submission/vitality game is present in a thread, but must be universally agreed upon or (less commonly) instructed/greenlit by an admin (very rare without universal consent).

  • This match type uses the regular singles duelling rules with these additional stipulations:

  • At the end of each battle phase, if a player has taken 500 or more damage, that player must roll 3d4 (OOC via an app, do not post results on the timeline only in the group chat). If that player rolled a 6 or higher, they stand back up with minor injury. If not, they stand back up with a major injury. Players who have sustained 2 or more major injuries before their life points hit 0 will faint and be counted out, losing them the match. (Players are allowed to 'get up' from their first major injury for 'free,' think of this like a 3 life system).

  • If a player's life points hit zero, or another win condition is achieved, the duel ends normally


A Tag-Team Duel (タッグヂュエル Taggu Dyueru) (also known as "2v2 Duel" or "Tag Duel") is a Duel played between two teams of 2 players each.

  • Tag-Team Duels consist of 2 teams of 2 players

  • Both teams start with 8000 life points and share them amongst their members throughout the duel

  • Players on teams should be organised according to the graphic below

  • Turn order should be structured according to the graphic below

  • Each team shares their own side of the same field (each player does not receive 1 field)

  • Each team shares their graveyards

  • Each team can use cards already present on the field, or in the grave(s)

  • In addition, cards that effect or have requirements concerning the Field must have both teammate’s Fields be taken into consideration (i.e. if your teammate controls a monster, you cannot Special Summon Cyber Dragon.)

  • No player may draw on their first turn

  • Player 2B is the first player that may attack

  • The player whose turn most-recently passed is the one who responds to the next players turn, for example: Player 1B just ended their turn and has a set 'Solemn Judgment' from player 1A. Player 2B begins their turn and normal summons a monster. Player 1B is the player who has the authority/right to use Solemn Judgment (even though the card was set by player 1A)

  • Because of the prior rule, only player 1B needs to respond to player 2B's turn, this way players 1A & 1B do not need to respond to the roleplay until their turns begin.

Handicap match / double duel

Double Duel / Handicap rules are an amalgam between the traditional tag rules, a Duelist Alliance Wargames match, and a regular singles duel.

  • All prior tag-team rules apply, with the following changes:

  • Although both players share a field, they have individual life point counts (4000)

  • Before the draw phase, the turn player can 'tag' with their team mate, allowing them to take the following turn (and draw phase) instead

  • When either player on a team's life points reach 0; that team loses

  • Teams can be any size that is 1 or greater and can go up against another team of any size

Battle Royale

Iron Man is a game of Duel Monsters involving 2 players that continues even after a player's life points hit 0. Rather than the game-ending, the game has a pseudo-restart. Whatever player reduces their opponent's life points to 0 the most time in the allotted time wins the match.

  • Each players starting life is 2000

  • When a players life points hit zero, their opponent gains a point

  • When a players life points hit zero, that player does the following steps

  • That player gains 2000 life points

  • That players turn begins (regardless of what the current phase it)

  • That player will draw 1 card for their normal draw, but, if their hand is below 5 cards; they can draw any number of cards, so long as they don't exceed 5 cards in hand total. (If you are knocked out with 5 cards in hand, you will only draw 1 card)

  • OTK/FTK strategies are allowed in this match-type by default

  • At the end of the time limit, the player with the most amount of "points" or "knockouts" wins

  • If one player cannot draw cards, both players shuffle all cards in the hand, field, GY and banished zones into the deck, and then draw 5 cards.

  • This is a very high-energy high-spectacle match type. Do not hold back


Royal Rumble is a match type meant to mimic the wrestling match type of the same name. It is a 10, 20 or 30-man 'free for all' match type where a new duelist enters every 5 replies. Because of the complexities of this match type, the duel MUST be meticulously planned out beforehand.

  • The duel begins as a 1-on-1 singles duel.

  • Each players starting life is 2000.

  • OTKs and FTKs are allowed.

  • When you reduce any player's life points to 0, your turn ends and the next player begins.

  • If there is only 1 player in the battle, another entrant immediately enters the match.

  • A new player enters the match every five replies as an intrusion with NO penalty.

  • The turn/reply order should be the same order of which duelists entered/exited.

  • When a player is eliminated, everyone gains 1000 life points.

  • Duelists gain 1000 life points during their draw phase in addition to their normal draw.

  • Duelists can also forego drawing a card to gain another 1000 life points (for 2000 total) instead.

  • Duelists must choose between activating 1 spell card per turn or setting 1 card (from their hand) per turn.

  • Duelists can only special summon a maximum of 3 monsters total per turn.

  • The final duelist standing in the ring after all other competitors have entered and exited the match wins

  • The final duelist standing will receive a main event title match at the next Supercard event.


  • The first player draws on the first turn of the duel.

  • Players start with 2000 life points.

  • There is no main phase 2

  • You can only Normal Summon once per turn (even if another card effect permits).

  • You can only Special Summon once per turn.

  • Monsters cannot attack the same turn they are summoned.

  • Monsters can be Normal Summoned in face-up attack or defense position

  • Monsters can be flipped in face-up attack or defense position.

  • No tributes are required for tribute summoning.

  • If a player has no monsters on their field AND are unable to Summon/Set a monster, they lose.

  • You cannot attack a player directly (even by card effect).

  • Effects that would inflict piercing battle damage to a defense position monster do NOT apply.

  • You can only activate 1 Monster effect per turn.

  • You can only activate 1 Spell/Trap card per turn.

  • You can only set 1 Spell/Trap per turn.

  • There can only be 1 Field Spell on the field at any time.

  • To Fusion or Ritual summon, the materials MUST be on the field.



This page includes cards that are specifically exempt from prior limitations or rules regarding anime effect distinction. This list will specifically include anime versions of cards that can only be played with their anime effects due to drastic (unbalanced) changes to their effect text in real life, as well as specific Fusion & Ritual Spells that can be played with conflicting amounts to what is listed in Duelling Rules. This list will also include banned cards regardless of traditional format limitations.

Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (Anime)AllowedDue to its real-life TCG effect, its anime effect will be permitted for use while its real-life TCG/OCG variant will be banned.




The [WDF Account] and the [NXT Account] act as official accounts for their respective brands and announcers for a particular event.

custom card rubric (all criteria must be met)

  • All text should be legible, unobscured and not grossly oversized or undersized.

  • Cards should not be extremely low-resolution.

  • Effect text should attempt to follow, and closely follow Problem-Solving Card Text. Perfect PSCT is not required.

  • Customs CAN NOT have a custom type or attribute outside of plot cards.

  • Cards belonging to custom mechanics must meet the custom-mechanic rubric to the right.

custom mechanic rubric

  • The custom mechanic should be reasonably documented, including conditions, nomenclature, definitions for said nomenclature and other related terms, as well as additional necessary information regarding the card's presentation, function, and distinction from other cards in the game.

  • Custom mechanics should also be easily taught and learned despite intricate details; thorough documentation is for internal/judging purposes for ruling disputes and to flesh out the mechanic for distinction.

  • Custom mechanics should not impact the way the game is played for others who do not use the mechanic (such as pre-revision link monsters).

  • Custom mechanics should only use cards that exist in the main or extra deck at the beginning of the game.

  • Custom mechanics should be realistic and shouldn't be 'gimmicky' ideas such as double-faced cards.

  • Custom summoning mechanics should have unique frames.

  • Custom mechanics that apply to abilities (and can be included on all or most monsters) are exempt from the previous rule.

  • Despite a hypothetical custom mechanic being able to reach all of the prior criteria, custom mechanics are not as easily approved compared to custom cards. Extra Deck mechanics are especially hard to become approved due to real-life cards such as Dimensional Barrier.


Dual-Attribute is the most common, and easily understood custom mechanic in the WDF.

  • Dual Attribute is a card ability that any monster card can have; its ability line is written as 'Dual-Attribute'. Monsters can also be 'Triple Attribute,' which is written as 'Tri-Attribute' in the type/ability line.

  • Dual Attribute monsters require no extra card text, such as Gemini or Union.

  • Dual Attribute Monsters require both attributes to be overlayed and offset from one another (see the example monsters to the right) as a visual distinction. Triple Attribute monsters have their attributes arranged in a triangular arrangement.

  • Monsters that are dual-attribute are considered to (also) be BOTH of their pictured attributes simultaneously, at all times.

  • Cards that require a single attribute to be used as some form of cost or effect can use a dual-attribute monster so long as one of the monster's attributes meets the specified attribute on the card (such as Allure of Darkness).

  • Cards such as Gozen Match will send any dual or triple attribute monsters on the field to the grave and will also stop dual and tri attribute monsters from being summoned. (Ruling is similar to: Contrast HERO Chaos).


General Information

The [WDF Account] and the [NXT Account] act as official accounts for their respective brands and announcers for a particular event.


Call Outs

During the course of an event or day-to-day operations, the WDF account will call out specific forms of announcement or similar general declarations so that readers can quickly determine whether or not the information present is necessary for them to read. Callouts are written at the top of every tweet in all caps between brackets and then appended with the corresponding group tag (#DuelistAlliance) or event's tag (if the call-out pertains to the event).

[ OOC ANNOUNCEMENT ]A general out-of-character announcement.
[ STORYLINE KICKOFF ]An announcement made to begin (kick-off) a storyline. Usually accompanied by a few words, or a full solo.
[ STORYLINE ANNOUNCEMENT ]An in-character announcement with information corresponding to the current or an upcoming storyline.
[ UPCOMING STORYLINE ]Announcement of an upcoming storyline.
[ MATCH ANNOUNCEMENT ]Self-explanatory. Announcing a match ongoing in an event.
[ ARENA ENTRANCE ]Self-explanatory. Tweets featuring the announcement of the competitor, including the entrance video.
[ (GENERAL OR DUELIST ALLIANCE) POLL ]A poll or series of polls regarding an event or the DA itself.



A list of terms and definitions.


Godmodding is any form of cheating by automatic hits and/or controlling another player's character to reach a one-sided outcome.

Godmodding (YGORP)

Godmodding (as used specifically in duelling in YGORP) is to completely screw your opponent over and excessively counter, place pressure, and take control of a (duelling) scenario in a way that removes any ability for your opponent to make a comeback/counter, or have any form of control over the game. Godmodding furthermore can also be described as always having the precisely right card at every conceivable moment and not taking a bump or loss, or, opening the exact same hand in every duel you play. Keep in mind that not having a way out does NOT mean godmodding is immediately at play. More concrete examples of godmodding include setting an excessive amount of cards to counter your opponent's plays, playing an excessive amount of monsters that your opponent can't deal with, removing cards that are imperative to your opponent's strategy immediately after they've been played (such as Marincess Battle Ocean.)Keep in mind, godmodding is a punishable offense in most RP groups and the Duelist Alliance is not exempt from this. If we feel godmodding is at play, we will evaluate the scenario as well as consult other (duelling) threads and your past opponents to determine whether or not godmodding is at play. Generally speaking, if you've upset your opponent or otherwise irritated them; there is a likely potential that you have unknowingly godmodded (as the term is defined for YGORP specifically). In most instances, first offense godmods are a warning, however, if we determine you have a history of godmodding you will be immediately retired from the DA/WDF.

One Turn Kill (OTK)

OTK, One Turn Kill is self-explanatory. An OTK is achieved when a player wins a Duel in the space of a single turn. In one turn, all of the opponent's (starting) Life Points must be depleted (if they gain life points larger than the starting amount and then lose them all in the same turn, it is not an OTK), or an alternate victory condition must be fulfilled. This is usually done when the player has the appropriate cards in their hand/Graveyard and has complete control over the Duel. In the DA/WDF, an OTK must be done on the player who is performing the OTK's first turn. Generally speaking, OTKs are an immediate godmod and can result in your immediate removal from the DA/WDF. OTKs that occur as a result of self-sabotage are not punished and are the fault of the losing party.

Technical One Turn Kill (TOTK)

A Technical One Turn Kill is when a player makes an OTK after stiffing and/or doing a tiny amount of chip damage on a prior turn and then following it up with a game-ending combination of cards. A technical one-turn kill usually happens within the duel's first 3-5 turns.


Selling is a term adopted from professional wrestling slang that describes the act of making attacks/blows to your life points look like 'real' attacks to the audience. It also refers to reacting to various card effects and other miscellaneous phenomena that might occur inside the duelling arena. When one duelist performs a destructive move, it is the opponent's duty to react to the move accordingly to align the narrative with what the anime represents. The most common example of this is a duelist being thrown off their feet when a monster lands the decisive direct attack to close the game.


No Selling is whenever a duelist doesn't react or acknowledge the opponent's offence in a realistic (relative to the anime) manner. Under-Selling refers to when a duelist does react to or acknowledge an opponent's offence in the most minimal way possible (either in character or from a raw word-count perspective). No-Selling and underselling may be done for a storyline purpose (particularly in the case of villains or if a duel is still in the earliest stages). In most cases, no-selling and under-selling is extremely frowned upon. In many cases, writing 1-liners can be considered as an under-sell or at times a no-sell. Critically speaking, characters that often no-sell or under-sell add lots of detail to their writing or some other form of value to their writing that justifies it, and adds value to the narrative. In other words, if you're going to no-sell or under-sell, don't be lazy. Pad out what would be a sell with some form of content, don't disrespect your opponent.


Overselling is the complete inverse of no-selling and under-selling. Overselling is a reaction that is entirely disproportionate to the attack or power of your opponent. In most instances, over-selling is bad. Examples of bad oversells include receiving major wounds (that can lead to bleeding), being sent tumbling out of the ring and rolling all over the floor, or similar. In other instances, over-selling can be done to benefit a match. Examples of good overselling is writing your character having tiny cuts or bruises on themselves as the duel progresses, or simply collapsing to the floor and passing out if they've sustained lots of minor life point losses over an extremely drawn-out period of time. Overselling can also refer to excessive edge or 'grimdark' in the content of your character's responses.


Self-Sabotage is when you as a player make counterproductive decisions that would result in a loss. A common example of self-sabotage is ending your turn with no face-downs and/or ways to defend your life points or wasting an exorbitant amount of resources from your hand or deck, leaving you with nothing to follow up with on your next turn. Being OTK'd as a result of self-sabotage will not be punished. Instead, both players will be informed of the situation and that they should avoid it next time.


Stiffing is when a player deliberately creates a situation in which their opponent has no reasonable way to out or counter, which forces them to waste an extreme amount of advantage or write as if they had the exact right card in that exact right moment just to have a chance to play. This created situation makes a 'false godmod' (which will not be punished). Stiffing can also be considered as playing an excessive amount of face-down cards that specifically counter your opponent at every turn AND cards that can counter your opponents own attempt to counter, however, this is not always considered stiffing depending on the gamestate.Stiffing your opponent is considered a form of godmodding, and is punishable by immediate removal from the DA/WDF.





The 'RC' status refers to the real-life judge program's ruling comprehension (RC) level. Accounts listed below who have an RC level are officially registered Konami judges.

Akiko Hayashi@Psychokinetic_733785894805774336RC-2HEAD JUDGE / HEAD OF BOOKINGWDF/NXT
Kagami Yuusuke@YumeNoDuelist789181768024756225NAOWNER / ADMINISTRATORWDF/NXT